The AfriLife Blog

Raw Vegan Lasagne

Hi Family Afriyei from AfriLife here bringing another video.  I hope you are well as am I! Now today’s video is Raw Vegan Lasagne.  Yep I repeat Raw Vegan Lasagne!  This is a wonderful and tasty dish that’s really easy to make and I’m going to show you how to make it!

Banana and Mango Smoothie / Avocado and Cucumber Soup

How to make a smoothie and soup: A step-by-step guide and the benefits of having healthy ingredients!

The Joys of Foraging

Now it’s autumn and the landscape has changed from a rustic golden colour resulting from the scorching the hot summer we had – which does not seem that long ago, to one of an array of tawny colours of brown, copper/hazel, orange, green etc.  I love this time of the year, not only is it a change of season but October is my Earthday month… 

The Wonders of Dandelion!

One plant that has major benefits to your health and well-being is Dandelion, its botanical name is Taraxacum officinale which comes from the genus family of plants called Asteraceae, where it splits into different species…

Benefits of Nettle Leaves

Nettle is great for the body it cleanses and strengthens the system and it extremely effective against dandruff.  It is really nutritious…